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unser einziges Kind, „Saba“, damals 5 Jahre alt, bekam am26/01/2008 Einen Hirntumor. Sie musste operiert werden. Wirbrachten sie am 28/01/2008 ins „Namazi-Krankenhaus“ in Shiraz/Iran. Sie wurde am 29/01/2008 zum Einsetzen des Cerebralshunt und am 02/02/2008 wegen des Entfernens des Hirntumors operiert. Da durch Nachlässigkeit der Shunt nicht richtig platziert war, musste sie zwei weitere Male operiert werden. Sie verließ im normalen Zustand das Krankenhaus, hatte ein normales Leben und besuchte sogar die Schule.

Sechs Monate nach der ersten Operation mussten wir sie wieder ins Namazi-Krankenhaus bringen, da der Shunt Probleme hervorrief. Leider musste sie wegen einer Falschdiagnose und Mangel an Spezialisten einige weitere Male wieder operiert werden. Nach diesen sinnlosen Operationen und aufgrund mangelnder Hygiene, bekam sie Meningitis und Lungenaspiration, wodurch sie gezwungenermaßen noch einige Wochen im Krankenhaus verbringen musste.

Nach all dieser qualvollen Zeit, als es ihr allmählich besser ging und sie eine normale IQ hatte, und wir langsam auf ihre Entlassung warteten, sank plötzlich am 10/07/2008 auf der Intensivstation durch den groben Fehler und die verheerende Leichtsinnigkeit der Krankenschwester, wofür wir selbst Zeugen waren,  Sabas Sauerstoffniveau im Blut. Die Zuständigen im Krankenhaus haben es nicht rechtzeitig gemerkt und nicht sofort gehandelt. Dadurch erlitt Saba Hypoxie. Da nun viel Zeit verloren gegangen war, und die Wiederbelebung zu spät eingesetzt wurde, bekam sie nun eine starke Hirnatrophie, der IQ sank von normal auf 2.

 Nach einigen Tagen, als ihr IQ auf fünf stieg, haben wir sie vom Krankenhaus nachhause gebracht und nun ist seit der Zeit neun Jahre vergangen, dass sie behindert ist und wir müssen sie pflegen. Alle diese Kosten hatten wir selber zu tragen und obwohl sie hauptsächlich durch Fehldiagnosen, falscher Behandlungen u. grobe Nachlässigkeiten im Krankenhaus entstanden, bekamen wir vom Krankenhaus und Staat keine Unterstützung und nicht einmal Darlehen. Um die Kosten der Behandlungen und Pflege unserer Tochter zu finanzieren, verkauften wir alles was wir hatten. Zuletzt musste ich  eine meiner Nieren verkaufen. 

Da es sich um ein staatliches Krankenhaus handelt, sind wir wegen unserer Beschwerde und Anzeigeerstattung in Ungnade bei der iranischen Gesundheitsbehörde, den zuständigen Stellen und sogar der iranischen Judikative gefallen. Um uns mundtot zu machen, wurden wir massiv unter Druck gesetzt, uns wurde mit Konsequenzen gedroht, und zuletzt wurden wir in Verbindung mit Regimegegnern gebracht.

Da alle unsere Bemühungen in alle Richtungen fruchtlos blieben und sogar unsere Existenz in Gefahr geriet, blieb uns kein Ausweg, als den Rat unserer Verwandten und Bekannten zu folgen, Heim und Heimat zu verlassen und ins Ausland auszuwandern.

Saba ist bis jetzt 34 Mal operiert worden und nun ist sie 100%ig behindert


A father sold his kidney to fund treatments for his daughter

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A father sold his kidney to fund treatments for his daughter

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Saba is no longer able to make her parents happy with her childlike joys.  She is now in bed staring into space. It is too early for Saba to be bed bound in childhood, too early….

2007 reminds Saba’s parents of the days from then Saba could no longer share her childhood happiness with her parents. The days that Saba went to the hospital with her foot and although her health improved which made her parents very happy, but suddenly everything went wrong.  That just ruined their dreams and their daughter never laughed again and could no longer make her parents happy with her sweet language.  Saba went to the hospital with his foot but returned home not the same way.

I was supposed to go to Saba’s home in the afternoon and meet her parents.  Their home was near Shiraz-Bushehr police station. When I reached there, Saba’s father walked out of the house to welcome me into their home.  On our way, he told me how they live in their rented place with lots of difficulties and as they’ve had to sell all their belonging to fund treatments for Saba, it is now extremely difficult for them to pay their rent as well as their living costs.

As soon as I entered their home, the first thing that I saw was Saba.  She was lying in bed while staring into space.

When I went near her bed, I wasn’t sure whether she would notice my presence or not, but it seemed that she noticed that her parents have a gust.  Her mother said “dear Saba, we have a guest here, are you happy?” Her mother said: “dear Saba, if you are happy then close your eyes an open them again” and Saba was glad.

Rather than being in year 4 at school these days, Saba is now lying in bed and experiencing the other side of life.

It is very difficult for her parents that they can’t even cry in their home as Saba’s doctor has told them that she is aware of her environment to some extent, therefore they should avoid making the home atmosphere sad and heart-rending.

Saba’s father talks about those distressing days, when Sabas was recovering but suddenly everything went wrong and Saba never smiled again.   He talks about the days when he was forced to sell one of his kidneys to pay for Saba’s expensive medical treatments.

 Saba staring at her dad and it looks like that she is thinking of the days that she was supposed to go to school, to make friends and to experience the real taste of life.

Saba’s father describes the incident as follows; Saba started the nursery in September 2007 but since January 2008, her headaches started, therefore we sought medical treatment.  She was first wrongly diagnosed with Sinusitis, but as she had persistent headaches and started developing Strabismus, therefore we sought medical treatment again and eventually on 26January 2008 she diagnosed with Cerebellar tumour with elevated intracranial pressure and therefore she had to have immediate surgery.  On 29 January 2008, she underwent shunt placement surgery in order to relieve increased pressure inside the skull. On 2 February 2008, she underwent operation to remove the tumour which was successful and she only had to undergo radiotherapy in order to kill any remaining tumour cells.

Saba was discharged from the hospital after a couple of days and she was doing very well.  After a few days her doctor suggested that she needs to be operated again as the shunt is not located in the right position.  On 16 February 2008, she underwent shunt replacement surgery but as her surgeon wasn’t satisfied with CT scan result, therefore on 17 February 2008 she was taken to the operating theatre for the forth times.  Although the surgeon still wasn’t satisfied with the location of the shunt but they discharged her from the hospital after a couple of days. After that Saba had 33 radiotherapy sessions and her doctor was so satisfied with the results, as there wasn’t any sign of tumour progression. She then had bone marrow biopsy and the results didn’t show any sign of bone marrow metastasis.  Afterwards chemotherapy sessions were started and she had her first chemo session on 20 April 2008 and the second session on 21 May 2008. After a couple of days her shunt stopped working so we took her to the hospital.  They did few tests in the hospital and informed us that we would not have to worry and they discharged her after 24 hours.

After a couple of days her health condition became worse therefore we took her to the hospital again but there were only resident physicians available at that time as doctors were away for holiday.  They admitted her to the hospital and after they realized that the problem is due to the abdominal shunt, they took her for operation one more time.  Unfortunately the operation wasn’t successful and she also started having abdominal pain.  After performing more operations without any benefits, they discharged her although she was still suffering from abdominal pain.  The next day her health condition became even worse so we took her to the hospital again and they admitted her to the hospital and she underwent surgery one more time. But unfortunately the operation wasn’t successful again and she also developed Meningitis.  After performing 11 operations by resident physicians during that period, Saba’s doctor came back from holiday and performed another operation on her which was successful and all of her vital signs returned to normal.

During 4o days of admission in ICU, Saba developed pressure sores on her leg. Also, due to the aspiration during operations which were done by resident physicians, tracheostomy tube was inserted for her by first year resident which was against the rules.  Despite all these complications, Saba was doing well and all her vital signs were normal and she was supposed to be discharged from hospital in couple of days.  But unfortunately everything went wrong again.  On 10 July 2008, when one of the nurses was replacing the gas under the truck, the truck moved out of its normal position and that made Saba very uncomfortable.

 At that time Saba’s mother was with her but she couldn’t calm her down.  Mother was ordered to leave the room by the nurse.  Despite her desire to say, she had to leave her tearful daughter.  Unfortunately the nurse didn’t bother to find out the reason for her uncomfortness as she was busy preparing for shift change.

Around 7 o’clock in the morning we were informed by one of our friends, to go to ICU immediately as Saba wasn’t feeling well.  When we got there we managed to get into the room although they were trying to prevent us from doing so. As soon as we entered the room we saw her bruised and swollen body.  When we asked for explanation, they told us that her tracheostomy tube moved out of position and they couldn’t adjust it and as all other resident physicians were taking exams at that time, we missed golden time.  Although staff nurses knew that lack of Oxygen would cause serious complications but Saba suffered hypoxia for about 20 minutes.  They had to resuscitate her 5 times but she suffered brain injuries that left her in coma.

The following day she woke up from coma and her intelligence quotient raised from 3 to 5.  The ventilator was removed as she could breathe on her own.  After 10 days they discharged her from the hospital while she was in a vegetative state and from then we have been looking after her at home.  Thank God Saba came out of vegetative state after two years and two months and we should be hopeful and optimistic, according to her doctor.

We have sued hospital personnel, but haven’t heard a satisfying respond yet. They do not pay any attention when we ask them why Saba’s intelligence quotient dropped from 10 to 3 in merely 40 minutes while her condition was normal and why she went into a coma.  They are just claiming that they have done their job  accurately and they never give us a satisfying explanation about the reason of the cardiac arrest, the movement of tracheostomy tube, the absence of doctor at that time,……

Regarding our situation, we have been also communicating with various authorities, but they didn’t pay any attention.

In order to pay for Saba’s treatment, we had to borrow large amounts of money and I had to sell one of my kidneys and although I have official evidence confirming that, but they accused me of extortion and they claimed that my intention was to attract help from overseas.

Saba’s father ended his conversation with me.  I looked at Saba and I felt that she has noticed what we were talking about.  I saw her staring into space an hour ago, but now I could see some changes in her eyes, I could see sadness in her eyes. It looks like that she can feel the pain that her dad has been going through. I felt that she is also worried.

It is too early for Saba to be bed bound, too early….





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Dear friends,


There is a history of my only daughter, Saba!


26 January 2008: We took her to a physician because of her headache. The test results (which was reported at 03:00 A.M.) showed she was developing cerebellar tumor and should go under surgery immediately.


29 January 2008:Sabawent under the first surgery for implanting a pipe to evacuate extra liquids from her brain.


2 February 2008: There was an operation on her cerebellum to remove tumor.

After some days, she went under another operation because of the improper implantation of the pipe; however, the problem was not fully resolved.


The chemotherapy and radiotherapy was then begun.


Thereafter, the test result showed that the tumor growth was stopped andSabawas going to regain her health and supposed to continue her natural life like other children.


Unfortunately, as a result of inappropriate implantation of the pipe,Sabahad to go under 9 other operations. Meanwhile, she also developed meningitis but we were not informed.


10 July 2008: After going under 13 operations, she finally developed heart arrest in ICU (for the reason still unknown to us).


Her photo which is taken some hours after her resuscitation is available in the site.


Having been resuscitated for 5 times, she went into a coma. Then she went under other 5 surgeries for implantation of Tracheostomy tube. When she was discharged from the hospital – no hope remained for her treatment – and her IQ was 5 at that time. We are taking care of her at home since 20 July 2008 and still we are hopeful that she can regain her health. I had to sell one of my kidneys to pay the costs of keeping her at home.


We have also raised a case in court against the hospital authorities who were responsible for her hypoxia in ICU leading to an intense cerebral atrophy (Saba has gone under 32surgeries so far).


Contact number:  (Saba’s Father)


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Although very difficult, but sometimes youl have to remain silent,  because Saba still needs her dad and mum also needs a helper to take care of her loved one.

Gentlemen, while it is true that I have to remain silent, but I assure you that I wouldn’t stop tracking Saba’s medical records and I wouldn’t seat still until I prove the truth.

After all correspondence with the authorities and requesting them to review the issues which have been arisen and while you are expecting justice, they accused you of….

Gentlemen, can you remember that I visited all authorities to ask for a funding for Saba’s treatment? But what was your response to me? What did you do for us?   At the end when I was forced to sell one of my kidneys, you accused me of…..

If there is still an awakened conscience, then come and let me tell you how they convict you, just because you are seeking the truth.

If there is still an awakened conscience, then come and let me say………

If there is still an awakened conscience, then come and let me show you all the evidences that…..

My God………………….

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My God………………….

Dear Saba, tonight (26/01/2011) is a very sad night, because on this night 3 years ago they diagnosed your disease. Oh what a night it was, it was raining that night and you were in my arms. When they were trying to take your MRI scan you were so scared that you couldn’t stay still, so they allowed me to come and sit next to you and hold your leg in my hands so that I can calm you down.

My dear, I just can’t forget how much you were crying when they were about to take you to the operation theatre for the first time and how you were begging the nurses not to take you there for operation.  You were even telling them that you are happy to stay and clean the hospital for them if they don’t take you for operation.  It is impossible for me and others who saw those scenes to forget your words.

My dear, you don’t know what I am going through, because my dearest has been to the operation theatre 18 times and I haven’t heard her voice for 928 days. I am so unconscionable that I am still alive while you are suffering.

My dear, you don’t know what I went through when I had a phone call from your nursery to go and collect your belongings.  You don’t know what I went through when your teacher showed me your notebook, because it was written there that you like me, your dad, more than anyone else.

Do you remember that you were calling me every day at noon to see when I will get home?  Do you remember that you were bringing tea for me with those little hands?

My dear, when are you going to get out of bed so we can listen to music together?   When are you going to get out of bed so you can put your head on my chest and fall asleep in my arms?

It was you who was singing the song “girl is daddy’s love, daddy loves whatever his girl does”, so I beg you to get up just because of the love between us.

My dear daughter, the day you were born (13/6/1381) was such a nice day.  I was so happy that I was crying and shaking.  As soon as I hold you in my arms you opened your eyes and started looking at me.

Oh my God, why! Why! Did you only want to let me have just 6 years of good memories?! Did you only want to make me attached to her so deeply?! But why!

I remember that you were born at 6 o’clock in the morning and that is why we named you Saba.

I can’t forget the day we went to cinema for the first time and you were saying wow such a big TV!

Everyone told me if I go to high places and ask God for his help, he would definitely here me. Oh God, you know very well that I did so many times, so why don’t you reply to me? Oh God, you can see how much I am begging you, so why don’t you reply to me? But what I want from you? I am not worthy! Ok, but you are great in mercy, so forgive me and give me the opportunity to compensate.  You know very well that Saba is my whole life, you know very well that what’s going on inside my heart, you know very well that I wish I could hear her voice.   Lord, take my life but give my daughter back to her unfortunate mum who is almost dying of sorrow.

I swear to God that it is so difficult to see all the other kids her age around while seeing her being in bed all the time. My dear Saba, get up.

My dear, on children’s day me and your mum were feeling very down and sad because that day was reminding us the time that we were giving you a present. We couldn’t bare that anymore, so we took all your toys and gave them to the charity and asked them to pray for you.  I am sure that you will forgive us for giving away your belongings.

My dear, the time is now 3:20 am and everyone is sleeping but me and your mum.  We are sitting here next to you and very much hope that God would hear our voice and will give you back to us after 3 years and a month of suffering.

Get up my dear, I still sometimes go and do shopping for you and put them next to you.

Get up my dear, don’t you like your brother, Soheil, to teach you how to play Guitar?

Get up my dear, my heart is filled with sadness. You are here my dear but with pain and grief.

My dear, I understand that you are also forced to accept your fate, but I will wait.  My God, help us and hold us safe under your shelter. My Lord you are great in mercy, so forgive us if we have done anything wrong.  My God, give me back my daughter.  My God, help us not to suffer any more, give her back to us. Oh God,………..





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Hi there

I don’t know what to say

Shall I talk about the oppression we suffered?

Shall I talk about my sick child who is sleeping at a corner and we have to witness her dilemma?

The child whom I wish I could talk to her once again

Saba to whom I could tell my secrets some day;

Saba who was expected to bring calmness to me;

Saba from whom nothing is remained except some memories;

I don’t know what else I can say

There is no resort to listen to my problems

I am really confused ……..


Dear Saba!

I am deeply sad of what is happened to you

I never forget your voice and the time you looked through my eyes


I do not know why our life is like that.

I do not know why the fate has left us full of desire to listen to your lovely voice


Dear Saba!

I wish I could keep your hands in mine like other fathers

I wish we could join parties together

… I could talk to you

… You could talk to me

… about your classes and school

… about your new friends ……


But alas ……

Alas ……….


Oh my God! Just tell me why?

Why? ……

Oh my God

Please look at my always wet eyes

Please tell me how long we have to regret.

Please tell me why you have accompanied our destiny with sadness

Please tell me why you have given a heart full of love towards my daughter


Oh my God

I still have a lot to tell you

Please grant me patience

I am tired ……

So tired …..


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