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Dear friends,


There is a history of my only daughter, Saba!


26 January 2008: We took her to a physician because of her headache. The test results (which was reported at 03:00 A.M.) showed she was developing cerebellar tumor and should go under surgery immediately.


29 January 2008:Sabawent under the first surgery for implanting a pipe to evacuate extra liquids from her brain.


2 February 2008: There was an operation on her cerebellum to remove tumor.

After some days, she went under another operation because of the improper implantation of the pipe; however, the problem was not fully resolved.


The chemotherapy and radiotherapy was then begun.


Thereafter, the test result showed that the tumor growth was stopped andSabawas going to regain her health and supposed to continue her natural life like other children.


Unfortunately, as a result of inappropriate implantation of the pipe,Sabahad to go under 9 other operations. Meanwhile, she also developed meningitis but we were not informed.


10 July 2008: After going under 13 operations, she finally developed heart arrest in ICU (for the reason still unknown to us).


Her photo which is taken some hours after her resuscitation is available in the site.


Having been resuscitated for 5 times, she went into a coma. Then she went under other 5 surgeries for implantation of Tracheostomy tube. When she was discharged from the hospital – no hope remained for her treatment – and her IQ was 5 at that time. We are taking care of her at home since 20 July 2008 and still we are hopeful that she can regain her health. I had to sell one of my kidneys to pay the costs of keeping her at home.


We have also raised a case in court against the hospital authorities who were responsible for her hypoxia in ICU leading to an intense cerebral atrophy (Saba has gone under 32surgeries so far).


Contact number:  (Saba’s Father)

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